Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Interview with Tyler Gregory & Scott Hannah (@TheNOBULLGuys), National Spokespeople of @NOBULLContest on #TheSashaMarinaShow

Scott and Tyler (The NO BULL Guys) currently travel the country speaking at schools and conferences to get teens excited about The Great American NO BULL Challenge!  They have spoken to 35,000 teens in the past year and  have been featured nationally on The TODAY Show, Steve Harvey Show,  When they speak to students, they share their experiences with having been bullied, being bullies, and being bystanders. They encourage teens to stand up in their schools and get involved with The NO BULL Challenge. 

Follow up with these guys!

Instagram: @nobullchallenge

Tune in to Scott and Tyler's Interview on 
Thursday, March 13th at 6:30pm EST / 3:30pm PST!
