Ms. Bantano is a young author in her 20's. Graduate of the Children’s
Institute of Literature in West Redding, Connecticut.
"I decided to follow my dreams of becoming an author. I have always loved to write
and dream of different things that could possibly happen." -- K. Bantano
Kikkina Rihki Destinu-Bantano finds a way that seems to show you have
to face the past to be able to save the future for turning out the
same way.
the past effect a person, but also embrace the fact that family life
caused ‘Chrysti Neopli’, Kikkina’s main character be split.
Chrysti Neopli is not only struggling with the fact her parents got a
divorce, but she is a living angel that lives in New York City. When
a letter asks her to return to a private school in Heaven she would
rather do anything else in the world then embrace the abilities. She
is after all ‘different’ in every single aspect.
Eventually her mother signs the paper and she finds herself on the
first flight to Angel City, the capital of Heaven. Now as her heart
pounds and warnings are every where… she will have to face the past to
be able to not only escape, but to save the lives of her friends.
Twist and turns await you and accompany you in the journey of a living
angel that is stuck between the past and present and the fact her
parents are divorced. As time is running out and the unthinkable past
is creeping up on her… you feel your heart pounding.
Her interviews include:
Tracy Kauffman’s Blog : Interview w/ Author Kikkina Rihki
A.F. Stewart’s Blog : Interview w/ Kikkina Rihki
Interview on the Show is tomorrow Tuesday, December 18th at 11am EST. The Sasha Marina Show - Kikkina Interview