"I made the decision to become an actress when I was 10 years old while in the midst of an argument with my mother. She had caught me out on a lie that I’d told and I was in big trouble. I turned to storm up the stairs in a huff, when my Mum, frustrated out of her mind (and clearly intending to throw an insult), screamed up the stairs the words that would switch on a light bulb in my head and change my life forever."

See what else Emma has to say about her Journey in her Interview on "The Sasha Marina Show!"
Check her out on all your Social Networks and Support her current Kick Starter Campaign!
Site: www.emmabarrett.com
Facebook: EmmaLosAngeles
About Me: www.about.me/barrettemma
Vimeo: EmmaBarrett
IMDb: EmmaBarrett

KickStarter Campaign:
Tune into Emma's Interview on "The Sasha Marina Show"
Wednesday, November 27th at 3pm EST / 12pm PST!