Jenni Rodriguez is a young Seventeen year old girl born and raised in Miami ,Florida with big dreams. She known best by her nick name DancerJenni she's highly motivated to reach her goals and is eager to accomplish them. She's passionate of her work and dreams. Even when they knock her down, she'll always keep her head held high and work ten times harder. She doesn't care what people think nor there negative opinions. Dancer Jenni has been dancing since she was five years old at Tumbelina, but started professionally at twelve. She has now been dancing at show stopper's studio for three years since it's opening. Her Latin mixed cultures of being Dominican and Cuban allows her to dance a variety of choreographs such as, Hip-hop,ballet,flamenco, Latin, hip-hop, comtemporay , funk jazz and many more if she had the opportunity. She has had the chance with amazing choreographers that have work with Micheal Jackson, the popular t.v shows "Americas Best Dance Crew", and "so you think you can dance?" also the hit movie "setup up to the street" and many more. Another thing she has been working on modeling. She's been modeling since the age of eight but never took it seriously until this year. Jenni Rodriguez has work with amazing people in this industry got the chances to walk the runway for an amazing charity event called Fashion Design Expo 2012 , Also got the chance to be the opening act for the Spirit dance &TALENT competition 2012 has the host. She is recently working for few agency's in Miami .

Jenni was allowed to be part of this amazing charity event is allowing her to have the opportunity of reliving her dreams. She has done many photo shoots and is doing a couple projects for example: she is now featured in the "Florida Teens calenders of 2011" . Also continuing tradition of helping poor Dominicans
in need by sending boxes filled with clothes, food. and toys for the little kids. This is an amazing cause that will change their lives in every way. In her spare time she enjoys going to charity events and helping out the community . Jenni has been able to work with the Miami Rescue Mission helping the poor . Jenni in this pass month of 2012 has been in few Music Videos like Estephy ft.Chino y Nacho Music Video "Dime si Tu" ,PeeWee "Live your Life" has also worked with Emilio Estefan in his New production of Sophia Music Video . Been in many Tv shows LikE "Desperita America", Sabado Gigante",Noche de Perros", Mega TV, Centro America, Telemundo and many more. She recently filmed The Glades a TV series for channel A&E , her role was one of the hurricane fans for the roller derby season 4 episode 6. Jenni recently was awarded and Miss Teen Broward County 2013 .
Website: DancerJenni.webs.com
YouTube: 13RBD
Twitter: @DancerJenni
Dancer Jenni
Tune into this young rising star's Interview on
Thursday, February 6th at 4pm EST!